The Washington Post

As a music teacher, you'll encounter everything from students who casually walk on stage, barely adhering to the concert dress code , and pull off magnificent performances to students so scared they tremble, get sick or flat-out refuse to perform altogether. According to the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), music therapy can have profound effects, and has helped many people since it became an established profession in the 1950s. Reggae and soft rock are the most relaxing music for dogs in shelters, and classical music also helps calm down dogs in stressful environments.

Google Scholar produced 908,000 results for music therapy, 46,200 results for music calming”, 597,000 results for music preference”, 102,000 results for music therapy anxiety reduction”, 1,100,000 results for trust anxiety”, 268,000 results for nursing theory music”, 1,890,000 results for nurse patient relationship”, 976,000 results for patient nurse communication long term”, 1,990,000 results for music psychology”, 749,000 results for music anxiety” and 70,400 results relax by searching music social bonding”.

Music therapists practice in a wide variety of settings including medical hospitals, rehabilitative facilities, psychiatric hospitals, outpatient clinics, day care treatment centers, agencies serving people with developmental disabilities, nursing homes, hospice programs, correctional facilities, and private practices (American Music Therapy Association, 1998 -2016).

Calming, Soothing Relaxation Music with Bird Song. People in stress or experiencing anxiety. When one feels an anxiety attack coming on, one should not try to run from it. If one gives in and stops driving, one is forced into the anxiety loop where the attacks become even more frequent, and more intense each time.

Indeed, research published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice studied 180 patients and found that listening to natural sounds, classical Turkish or Western music helped reduced anxiety by lowering cortisol levels, blood pressure and heart rate.

Turning on some music or some form of "white noise" for your dog can help relieve their stress. Listening to music can also be therapeutic, relieving feelings of stress so you can concentrate better. The first group listened to classical music at bedtime for 45 minutes for 3 weeks.

Listening to calm music can help regulate your heartbeat and more generally ease your mind from all of your overwhelming thoughts. If you have any questions, technician doubts of Relaxing Music for Stress - Anxiety Relief & Sleep or any contribution, please let us know.

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